2265 E. Hathaway Road
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
(231) 347-8142
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
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Emmet County Road Commission
To keep motorists safe, there is an enforceable road right-of-way that’s usually 33 feet from the center on both sides of the road. County road agencies are responsible for the right-of- way. Mailboxes are the only objects residents can legally place in the road right-of-way.
The US Postal Service has regulations for mailbox size, weight, and height. However, most homeowners are unaware of rules governing construction and installation of mailboxes. More information on mailbox regulations can be found at How to Install a Mailbox | USPS
Over time, mailbox posts can rot or become wobbly. Shaking a mailbox allows residents to know if it is secure. Snow from snowplows has a surprising force that can topple an unstable mailbox, so it’s important to make sure it’s placed securely in the ground.
Residents should prepare mailboxes for winter by tightening screws and ensuring the post and box are secure enough to endure the impact of large amounts of thrown snow. If the mailbox moves when shaken, the box may need to be repaired or replaced before winter.
View and follow these simple instructions to make sure your mailbox is properly secured for the winter season, ensuring people's safety, and allowing county road crews to properly plow your street without causing damage to the mailbox.
Snow plowing during winter months require that the plows come in close proximity to mailboxes. Blowing snow can cause restricted visibility which occasionally results in equipment striking a mailbox. Drifting or wet snow can be quite heavy and can also cause damage to mailboxes when thrown by passing plows.
If you believe your mailbox was damaged by the Emmet County Road Commission equipment report it as soon as possible by calling our main office. You will need to provide the following information: your name, address, phone number and approximate date/time the damage occurred. Once the damage is reported to our office, a foreman will investigate the damage and determine whether the damage was caused by road equipment or snow load. ​
The Emmet County Road Commission will reimburse property owners for mailbox damages ONLY if the damage was caused by the box or post being physically struck by Emmet County Road Commission equipment. Mailboxes knocked off or damaged by the force of snow, ice or slush coming off the snowplow equipment will not be reimbursed by the Emmet County Road Commission.