2265 E. Hathaway Road
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
(231) 347-8142
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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Emmet County Road Commission
To report any damage or issues within the right-of-way, issues with traffic signals or damaged road signs please contact our main office.
Make sure you are on an ECRC maintained road, listed as PUBLIC here. If it is within Village or City limits, call the appropriate Village/City to report issues.​
The Townships set up dust control applications for roads within their boundaries. If you have questions regarding dust control please contact your Township Supervisor.
The Emmet County Road Commission is responsible for maintaining a total of 1,050 miles of roadway which consists of ​217 miles of state trunk lines, 244 Primary Road Miles and 589 Local Roads Miles.
Primary Roads are generally longer distance, more frequently used roadways of the county. Examples include River Road, Pleasantview Road and Levering Road.
Local Roads are typically the shorter distance two-lane roads and residential streets within the townships. Examples include Fletcher Road, Wressel Road, and Armock Road.
The Emmet County Road Commission performs routine maintenance in a continuous effort to keep our road right of way in safe, properly working condition. This ongoing maintenance on minor issues helps to prevent larger defects down the road and helps lengthen the life of the roadway by preventing an untimely decline in quality.
Some general right of way maintenance tasks includes but are not limited to:
Debris pickup
Guardrail replacement
Sign and signal repair
Tree/vegetation control or removal
Clearing ditches
Grading and/or leveling
Patching potholes
Roadside mowing is performed to clear any obstructed vision or sight distance and to keep weeds, grass, and small trees from growing into (encroaching) the roadway.
The Road Commission mows all State highways, primary, secondary, and unpaved roads. This is typically done late April or May and - late October, unless safety issues require more frequent attention. Property owners can mow their roadsides and/or ditches at any time when vegetation makes sight vision difficult while exiting their driveways.
Our roadside mowing priorities are as follows:
1. Primary roads – Twice per year
2. Local paved roads – Twice per year
3. Local gravel roads – Once per year
4. Clear vision areas at intersections – as needed throughout the year
5. State Highways – As determined by MDOT
6. Subdivision Streets – are NOT mowed by the Emmet County Road Commission
As scheduling permits, crews will address areas along all roads where vegetation may limit the sight distance of drivers at intersections. Drivers are encouraged to report any roadside vegetation causing sight distance issues at intersecting streets by calling our main office.
​Under MI General Highway Law and County Road Law, ECRC has a legal duty to keep all county roads, bridges, and culverts that are within the County's jurisdiction in safe condition for the traveling public. With that being said, trees located in the road right of way may constitute a danger or hazard.
In any case where the Road Commission determines that a tree located in the right of way is a danger or hazard (or poses an extreme future risk), the Road Commission may order the tree(s) to be removed, and provide the affected landowner with a tree removal notification form.